Module 3

Module 3 Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this third module, you will have an understanding in:

  • What reciprocal partnerships are.
  • How to gain cultural sensitivity. 
  • How to recognizing our interconnectedness.
  • The importance of self-awareness.
  • How to live and lead with intention.
  • How to find happiness and fulfillment in your career and in your life.
  • The value of giving back; how does this help you make the world a better place.  This module provides context that helps students expand a frame of reference.

Approximate completion time: 50 minutes

Reciprocal Partnerships

Building mutually beneficial and sustainable partnerships is what service learning is all about.  This means that projects are identified by the community in which you are working and they are community driven.

Cultural Sensitivity

All too often fear of differences cause the illusion of separateness.  It is important that you honor all human experience while working for your community partner.  This means that at times you may need to put your personal opinions aside and open your mind to a different ways of thinking and experiencing life.  

Interconnectedness and Unity

You are connected to everyone around you in ways that are sometimes easy to overlook. What you do matters!  It matters to your family, to your community, and to your world.  It matters, because our lives are so interconnected and we are not as separate as we may seem. 

Developing collaborative and positive partnerships is critical in achieving meaningful service experiences.  Regardless if you are serving in your local community, or in another country, it is important that projects be community identified and driven in order to make them sustainable.  It is all about standing in solidarity and recognizing that together we are stronger. 

It is true that you have something important to bring to the table, to teach, and to contribute.  However, you also have something equally as important to receive and to learn. 


You are infinitely valuable.  You have a uniquely beautiful human experience that only
you can contribute to the world.  Participating in service allows you to come to
understand what makes your heart sing and how to contribute your passion in a way that
positively impacts you and all those around you.  Reflect on this as you view the following video.  

Mindfulness and Living with Intention

To be an intentional leader means that you consider how your decisions impact others.
 Recognize people as complex and whole beings, and build strong relationships grounded in trust.
This requires listening, seeking feedback, and growing as a result.  What does it mean to live a
life of intention and to be a mindful leader who leads from the heart?  Reflect on this as you view
the following video.

Happiness and Fulfillment

Consider the fact that every job is important.  Even difficult tasks provide us with a sense
of fulfillment once they are completed.  How can you find fulfillment in your
career? How can you contribute your unique interests, experiences, and skills?  What
makes your heart sing?   Reflect on this as you view the following video. 


Gaining closure is really important for you, your site supervisor, fellow staff members, and clients.  Take time to express your gratitude and to say, "good-bye" or "see you later."  It is best to do this face-to-face.  No doubt you will always remember your experience.  It may even lead to future opportunities.  Keep in touch with the colleagues and friends that you made.  

Statement of Professional Preparation

Thank you for completing the Student Community Partner Training.  Please follow this link to complete your Statement of Professional Preparation and gain credit for completion.  

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." -Mahatma Gandhi

You are wished all the best in your experience.  Go bring your best into the world! 

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